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Artigos da categoria Chatbot
Weni | 26 de February de 2018
3 min. de leitura
The importance of agility in customer service

Improving and promoting service agility are synonymous with the company's outlining the right strate

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Weni | 22 de February de 2018
3 min. de leitura
Why investing in a chatbot platform?

What are the benefits that chatbot provides? We present some of the advantages that this type of ser

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Weni | 15 de February de 2018
3 min. de leitura
3 tips for automating events communication

Technology has brought solutions that help the events communication in an automated way, optimizing

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Weni | 7 de February de 2018
5 min. de leitura
How to use a chatbot to improve hospitality service?

Chatbot in the hospitality: this is one of the main trends in terms of service and efficiency of com

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