Artigos da categoria Chatbot
Weni | 5 de February de 2018
3 min. de leitura
3 tips to reduce customer service costs

How to reduce costs in customer service without losing the quality of services offered? Com and lear

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Weni | 26 de January de 2018
6 min. de leitura
How can chatbots improve the sales process?

Using chatbots, companies can manage their service, work their digital marketing by advertising prod

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Weni | 23 de January de 2018
3 min. de leitura
Do chatbots work for recruitment?

Did you know that they can be extremely useful to a company's HR, supporting employees in the indust

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Weni | 19 de January de 2018
4 min. de leitura
Chatbot story: learn how it all started

We will present the chatbot story. You'll see when and where it came from, how it was developed, who

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