A global initiative

to share voices and

change lives

Focused on the UN’s seventeen SDG’s, RTM is real time monitoring program. Get to know the reality of vulnerable communities. Let everyone share their voices.

How much do you know about the communities you want to impact? 🌎

Emergency situations

Access real time data for areas in emergency situations, as wars and natural disasters. Listen closely and understand how you can help.

Trust your data

Gather information independently, without the need for mediation by governments and media. Listen directly to the population and communities.

Detailed dashboard

Empower vulnerable communities and understand their pains through rich, segmented visualizations to improve your decision making.

Colect information offline

Listen even to people who don’t have the resources to show their realities and are in areas with low or no internet access.

A channel for listening to communities on humanitarian causes

Join other offices of the UN ecosystem and see real numbers, without filters, opinions or make-up. Based on them, develop social projects with more consistency and that will reach those in need.

Collect data directly generated by citizens

Some official data from LMIC countries may be outdated or with limited availability, especially on issues such as malnutrition, illiteracy, sanitation, and justice.

Have access to these realities with autonomy to guide your projects and initiatives. Turn numbers into actions that change the quality of life of generations.

Use the most used channels and tools to impact the most people and have customized reports

Free WhatsApp API

Be part of the program that provides exemptions in pricing d WhatsApp in social impact project.
*Subject to eligibility and approval by Meta.


Create and edit a customized Microsoft PowerBI dashboard

Social media

Amplify and scale your impact with social media.


Listen even to people who don’t have the resources to show their realities and are in areas with low or no internet access.

RTM generates much more than numbers. Get access to the reality of societies and communities that are neglected in LMIC countries.

Communicate with communities that need help

Talk to an expert

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