Weni IA


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Improve user experience with intelligent chatbots. Our technology allows you to create human-like artificial intelligences to provide better service.

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Intelligence Models

Two AI models that’ll help you potentialize your projects: Classifier Intelligences and Content Intelligences.

Multilingual support

Create your multilingual project’s intelligence and use it in over 150 languages.

Automatic sentence suggestion

A system that generates and suggests new sentences for you intelligence.

Create AIs collaboratively

Invite your entire team to participate in the creation and improvement of your project’s intelligences.

Test your Intelligence with Quick Tests

Create test sentences and check your intelligence’s efficiency in real time.

Direct Integration with Weni Flows and other tools

Add intelligences to your flows. Use our open API to connect the tools necessary for your organization.

AI Library

Check our collection of public intelligences that can be easily integrated into your project. There are over 4000 intelligences in our library!

Learn more

Enjoy the intelligence types available in the Weni Platform to create intelligences better suited to your project’s needs.

Classifier Inteligences

Train example sentences, attributing intentions and the intelligence will be able to identify these intentions in new sentences.

Content Intelligences

Create informational texts in Q&A form and the intelligence will be capable to answer questions made by users based on the text you registered.

Access the full documentation

Assertive Intelligences

Our chatbots are smart, they understand what your user is saying and answer them with confidence.

Human-like Intelligences

Weni Platform is the only one that allows you to construct a human-like chatbot. Use conversational context that can transform your user experience and guarantee a humanized communication.

Inspire yourself with 2 cases of successful chatbots

With all of the features in the Weni Platform, create solutions to diverse segments. Speak with our team of specialists to build a complete humanized solution for your organization.

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