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Why to offer customer service on social networks?

Por Weni


1 de June de 2017
3 min. de leitura

Customer service on social networks is one of the most addressed topics by business executives. This is because there are still some doubts about the benefits of this type of investment for the company.

Being present in social networks goes far beyond just making some publications: it’s needed to know how to dialogue directly with the customer and take advantage of all the information that is provided to improve the performance of your business.

If you still have any questions about the benefits of customer service on social networks, this article is for you! Keep reading!

Facilitating communication with your audience

Social networks allow communication to be more democratic and accessible. The mass media tends to have a more expensive cost of parts delivery, besides to a more precarious segmentation.

Using social networks, it’s possible to work with a much less expensive investment, as well as being able to target the audience more effectively (by the city, age, region, interests, schooling, profession, marital status etc).

Humanizing the customer service process

Nowadays, having a humanized process is part of a successful strategy. There was a time when customers were content with more embedded communication. To ensure the competitiveness of the market, it’s necessary for companies to become more and more human and responsible.

One of the easiest actions to achieve this identity is with customer service on social networks. Having a professional responsible for getting all doubts of your audience, bringing relevant information and getting a direct dialogue to solve all the problems is the key piece for the humanization of the company’s communication processes.

To facilitate the process, some companies invest in chatbots that, well programmed, can supply all these needs

Helping in defining metrics

Direct dialogue with customers through social networking strategies also helps define metrics.

Now that we are in direct contact with our audience, you can find out what your priorities and processes are on the buying journey.

Narrowing the relationship with your customers and prospects

Another notable point of customer service in social networks is in the narrowing of the relationship between client/prospect and company.

Traditional communication tends to move unilaterally, where only the company had speech power in the market. Nowadays, with changes in customer behavior and media and technology advances, you can have a direct dialogue with customers and allow them to respond directly.

This is fundamental to closing the relationship: your customer feels free to give feedback to your company, and you can talk directly to them, understanding better their behavior and even creating a fan group of the brand.

Helping understand the market!

This is one of the most outstanding advantages of good customer service on social networks. When we think about knowing our market and understanding our customer, even more, no one better than the customers themselves and prospects to talk about their expectations about our products and services, isn’t?

Social networks, by allowing this direct dialogue with users, facilitate the valuable information collection about the market, and can help your business leverage and significantly increase sales!

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