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Rules and ethical uses of Artificial Intelligence: Weni’s ethical guidelines

Por Camila Morais


24 de July de 2023
7 min. de leitura
código de ética no uso de ia

Artificial Intelligences are increasingly present in our routine, and this technology represents significant advancements in society — from medicine to the industry.

However, this extensive usage and the constant release of increasingly intelligent tools raise the topic of utmost importance: the rules and ethical uses of AI.

Companies that develop this technology should do so through ethical guidelines and principles to avoid issues like information leaks and data privacy.

In this article, we will explore some essential regulations and best practices for the use of artificial intelligence. Additionally, you will learn about the ethical principles that Weni establishes with its clients and collaborators.

Let ‘s check! 

Care in the Use and Development of Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way businesses operate and how technology is being developed. But, this is a field that already brings extensive social and economic benefits to the world and competitive advantages to companies.

However, the internet is not a lawless territory. Despite Brazil not having specific legislation for Artificial Intelligence yet, its misuse and development can lead to penalties, such as data breaches, for example.

Given this, it is important for companies and AI users to pay attention to some key points. Check what they are.


Transparency is one of the main ethical concerns regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence. The ability of this technology to make decisions and suggest solutions without us understanding how it arrived at those results can raise concerns.

In light of this, AI developers must adhere to the principles of explainability and transparency. In other words, the criteria and models should be accessible and clear to users.

This is even more crucial when it comes to sensitive topics that could result in discrimination or injustice.

Privacy and Security 

Especially when used for customer support, sales, and marketing, AI frequently deals with sensitive data.

Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that this personal information is protected and compliant with the LGPD (General Data Protection Law).

Additionally, all users must be informed about the data being collected and the purpose for which it will be used. All users should also have the option to give or withhold consent for the use of their data.

Bias in learning and data

Artificial Intelligence learns from training, which is done through data input into its systems. This can be done by the development team or through user interactions, creating data histories.

In this scenario, it is essential to be cautious about bias in information that could lead to discrimination, for example. This work is done through careful analysis and filters used for the training of each AI.

Continuous Monitoring 

Artificial Intelligence models should be constantly evaluated. It is through this monitoring that responsible parties identify improvements and potential errors, such as biases in responses, and ensure that ethical principles are up-to-date.

The Importance of Choosing Ethical Developers 

With the popularization of AI usage, many companies developing this technology are emerging. However, it is essential to be careful with the innovation providers your company contracts.

It is essential to consider the ethics and reputation of the developers behind the platforms, APIs, and AIs that your company uses.

Therefore, always opt for companies that prioritize ethical principles, so you can be sure you are using a technology that is trustworthy, responsible, and upholds human values.

To make this choice, some indispensable criteria to evaluate are:

Code of Ethics and Conduct 

Committed companies clearly state their code of ethics and respect principles such as transparency in the development and implementation of their AIs.

Reputation and Market History

 Researching the performance and reputation of the company can prevent future issues and help identify any existing problems the brand may have had.

Choosing companies that have been in this market for a longer time is also a way to increase your probability of dealing with reliable and well-regarded developers.

Engagement with Communities 

Companies that commit to a community and seek to guide society with good practices, insights, and improvements in their AIs tend to be more trustworthy and ethical.

Organizational Values and Transparency Look for technology providers with strong ethical principles and values. This is a way for the company to commit and disclose its concern and transparency regarding its practices.

Weni’s Ethical Guide on the Use and Development of Artificial Intelligence 

To achieve the mission of unleashing human potential through intelligent technology and open and accessible communication, Weni is constantly striving to create a transparent and secure environment for employees, customers, and users.

From the moment tools are created to meet the needs of companies and their target audiences, Weni’s work is focused on making these technologies increasingly robust, accessible, open, and, above all, reliable.

Weni’s focus is not only to provide technology but also to create social impact and value for society. From this mission, Weni’s code of ethics was developed.

They are as follows:

For Product Development 

  • Always be aligned with our mission and values; 
  • Strive for excellence and quality; 
  • Adhere to our ethical principles; 
  • Assist organizations in unleashing human potential easily and affordably; 
  • Assist organizations in unleashing human potential by generating value and positive impact.

For Artificial Intelligence Development 

Weni’s goal is to impact and reach thousands of companies and millions of users through accessible (in terms of cost and use) artificial intelligence that aligns with values and principles.

To achieve this, all AI models must follow the following ethical principles:

  • Always be aligned with our mission and values; 
  • Strive for excellence and quality; 
  • Adhere to our ethical principles; 
  • Assist organizations in unleashing human potential easily and affordably; 
  • Assist organizations in unleashing human potential by generating value and positive impact; 
  • Be open and transparent; 
  • Be fair, inclusive, and diverse; 
  • Be reproducible; 
  • Have a positive impact on people; 
  • Not discriminate in any way against individuals and/or organizations; 
  • Be in line with the use of AI models that allow commercial use and free use for research purposes; 
  • Promote ethical conduct in data pipelines and the use of models, from 1) data collection for model training; 2) training, evaluation, and inspection of results; 3) deployment for use in development and production environments.

Weni’s Code of Conduct 

All ethical principles for product and AI development are based on Weni’s code of conduct, which consists of the following guidelines:

  • Unleash human potential with transparent, honest, loyal, and respectful conduct; 
  • Offer dignity, freedom, and privacy for people; 
  • Not tolerate any form of harassment, discrimination, and prejudice; 
  • Not tolerate behaviors that may harm basic rights and human dignity; 
  • Protect and respect the data of our employees and customers; 
  • Comply with all legal guidelines regarding the use of personal data and information sharing on social networks (regarding the use of LGPD and the legislative Bill on information sharing); 
  • Develop products and services that have a positive impact and create value for people and organizations; 
  • Develop products and services collaboratively, responsibly, and ethically; 
  • Pursue continuous improvement in our products and services so that they can adapt to new demands and continue to create value for society and our customers.

The ethical use of Artificial Intelligence is fundamental for advancing this technology responsibly and transparently. Therefore, Weni is committed to continuously follow and share its ethical principles among companies, governments, customers, employees, and society. 

SEO Analyst, passionate about content with a focus on optimization strategies, lead generation, and conversion.

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