Artificial intelligence: see how it came about and examples

Por Weni


15 de May de 2017
4 min. de leitura
Desenho de um cérebro em forma de circuito flutuando sobre um terno simbolizando inteligência artificial

The current technological wonders seem to have come out of science fiction films, but no, they are real and can help – a lot! – in our daily tasks. One of the most notorious is artificial intelligence or AI. In this post, we’ll talk a little about it. Follow us!

Understand the concept

For those who are not familiar with the term, AI is the branch of computer science that is in charge of researches that aim to develop, through computer programming, devices capable of solving problems, simulating human cognition.

The programming logic applied to AI is different from the conventional one, despite using the same language. Research developed in this field is commonly associated with neuroscience studies – at least as far as understanding the neural networks of our brain is concerned.

With this approach, applications try to simulate the synapses of human neural connections through the programming language and interpretation of digital data.

Learn the origins of this fantastic technology

In the 40s, this concept was already outlined as an attempt to create functionalities for the advent of the computer. It was also in this decade that the outbreak of World War II boosted research for the purpose of developing warlike weapons and technologies.

The technology had its conceptual definition in the years of the 1950s, at the University of Carnegie Mellon. The scientists Herbert Simon and Allen Newell were the parents of this science, creating, in this university, the first laboratory dedicated to artificial intelligence in the academic field.

Understand how it works and where it applies

Studies in this area have different approaches in each of the areas in which they apply. In robotics, for example, they engage in experiments with the simulation of human motor functions.

In language and computer studies, artificial intelligence is sought for human voice synthesis. Another aspect investigated is the construction of devices with programming that enables them to understand human articulated language. The goal is to make our communication with the machines much more effective soon.

The gaming industry is another example of using the advantages of AI. In games, it is applied to the opponents of the player, through this feature, different levels of challenge are possible for the player facing the CPU.

In sports games, for example, in which real sportsmen are portrayed, these characters are reproduced with characteristics faithful to their way of playing. In this way, artificial intelligence is used to create skilled opponents inspired by humans.

Do not worry: it isn´t like in the movies

With AI, it was never intended to create synthetic human beings. Robotic research is conducted in specific areas, so speculation about the production of robots that may rebel against its creators is fanciful, a Hollywood thing.

On the contrary, artificial intelligence is much more day-to-day than we think. Some common mechanisms, such as software spellcheckers or auto-focus with gesture detection in digital cameras, can be examples.

Knowing about Chatbots

Since 2016, AI has stood out with new and very important functionality, interacting with us learning with our words in the digital environment. These are the chatbots (chat and robot bot), which use artificial intelligence mechanisms that interact with the user through what he writes in chats or search engines.

Unlike previous technologies, such as that used in call centers, which only allowed unique responses to certain user actions, chatbots offer different reactions that are modified according to more personalized criteria.

They basically simulate a conversation, assisting with tasks like asking for a taxi or even making an appointment via apps.

And you? Delighted with the brave new world of artificial intelligence? Read more of our contents!

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