Where to use chatbot to reach customers?

Por Bruno Amaral


13 de May de 2020
6 min. de leitura
The use of artificial intelligence is already a reality for many companies that have understood well where to use chatbot in communicating with their audience.

The use of artificial intelligence is already a reality for many companies that have understood well where to use chatbot in communicating with their audience.

Much more than a technological fad, chatbots can play different roles within a service, sales and marketing strategy, being essential for attracting new customers and generating business opportunities.

And the best part is that these virtual assistants can be used in different communication channels, such as messengers, websites and even in your company’s application.

See in this article where to use chatbot and how it is possible to act on each of these channels to bring real business opportunities to your company. Check out!

How and where to use chatbot in messaging apps

Messaging apps lead the world in smartphone usage rankings.

It is evident the presence of the public in messaging applications and the need for communication strategies in these channels in order to capture new business opportunities.

Where to use chatbot and how you should act in messaging applications will depend a lot on the segment of your company. See some applications:

  • Answer frequently asked questions;
  • Make product suggestions;
  • Capture customer information;
  • Generate and / or qualify leads;
  • Perform the entire sales process, from item search to order tracking;
  • Send materials and content;
  • Make reservations;
  • Make payments online;
  • And much more.

And the great advantage of chatbots in messengers is that they enable a more comfortable service, reaching your audience more efficiently, on an intuitive platform and with which they are already familiar.

In addition, there is a gain in user experience, after all, agility in service is the main expectation of the public in this type of channel.

Next, we will understand the main features of using a chatbot in the main messaging applications – WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Telegram.


The deployment of a chatbot on WhatsApp makes it much more than a messaging app. If you use the WhatsApp business application, you need to migrate to the WhatsApp Business API solution. With this version, it is possible to integrate your business profile with other tools that enable the use of specific resources for your business, such as chatbots.

For example, you can use WhatsApp with your company’s landline number and integrate it with an answering system. Thus, with a single number, you can make several simultaneous calls and the chatbot can automatically direct customers to attendants of your human team.

In addition, this same service system can also be used for internal communication of your company, facilitating remote work and increasing productivity.

WhatsApp can also be integrated with an ERP or CRM. With artificial intelligence added to the data of these systems, it is possible to create chatbots that are smarter and capable of tasks such as sending billets, payment reminders, suggestion offers and much more.

Without a doubt, with so many possibilities of tools in a single application, the chances of closing deals are much greater!


Among Telegram’s differentials, is the possibility of creating channels and groups that allow messages to be sent to an unlimited group of users or with a much higher limit than other messengers.

But the main reason for using Telegram for business is the possibility of implementing chatbots.

The universe of bots in Telegram is very extensive. It has part of its open source code and its API has multiple possibilities, perfect for creating feature-rich bots.

It can also be integrated with numerous systems, making it capable of meeting specific demands and optimizing processes so that your company does not miss any business opportunity.

Facebook Messenger

A chatbot on Messenger uses the Facebook platform to serve, engage and convert users, without leaving the social network.

This makes communication more natural and assertive, since the user will be impacted when he is in contact with your content.

In addition to making calls, a chatbot on Facebook Messenger can capture and nurture leads, create engagement and scale your marketing strategy within Facebook.

For example, do you make paid advertisements on this platform? If so, you can integrate Facebook Ads and Messenger. Thus, when the user clicks on your ad, he is taken to the messenger and there the chatbot starts the service.

In other words, Facebook Messenger is a powerful channel where you can use chatbot to create relationships, promote the brand, sell and advertise products and services, for a base of 1.3 billion monthly active users on the platform. And a virtual assistant on this channel will ensure that no opportunities are missed.

Website: how a chatbot can speed up the buying journey

In addition to their use in messaging applications, virtual assistants can also be deployed on your website.

In this context, a chatbot can capture the user at the moment when he is “hotter”, that is, that he is actively showing interest and intention to buy your product.

Both institutional sites and e-commerces can benefit from using a chatbot. See some of the applications on your company’s website:

  • Provide navigation assistance, answering questions about products and indicating the best options according to the information captured during the interaction with the user;
  • Use cross sell strategies, indicating complementary products at checkout;
  • Solve possible objections during the purchase journey, in order to reduce cart abandonment;
  • Offer payment methods by the chat itself;
  • Take the user to a raised hand, like a budget request;
  • Capture visitor data and turn it into a lead.

In addition, the chatbot can be fully customized with your company’s identity, including with regard to language and personality. And with the use of artificial intelligence, it can fulfill specific tasks of your business, optimizing the capture of new opportunities.

Apps: what chatbots can add to your company’s app

When a company starts researching technological solutions for communicating with its audience, the question soon arises: what is better, developing an application or having a chatbot?

Both solutions bring advantages to your business, however, there is no need to choose between one or the other. Within your app is another possibility of where to use chatbot!

In this context, it can be used to:

Guide the user on the journey within the application;
Offer support and answer questions;
Offer materials and content;
Capture information and data;
Offer related products;
And any other task specific to your business!

Concluding …

The great advantage of using a chatbot, whether in your company’s application, in messaging apps or on your website, is that it is fully customizable.

This is important, as each niche has its own strategies for capturing opportunities. For e-commerce, a chatbot capable of offering related products makes sense, just as a virtual assistant that makes reservations is essential for airlines, restaurants and hotels.

Do you want to better understand how a chatbot can create real opportunities for your business and niche? Meet Push Chatbot Platform and talk to one of our experts here.

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