WhatsApp Business: understand how it really works

Por Weni


13 de March de 2018
3 min. de leitura
Smartphone mostrando perfil de negócio no WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Business has arrived in Brazil in its final version and will help in the companies daily life, optimizing operations and promoting better contact with the customers. Get to know all the features and advantages of this tool now.

What does it take to have a verified account?

It’s necessary to have an SME (Small and Medium Business) and provide a phone number for registration. One of the news of the platform is that it’s possible to register a landline number now. The advantage of a verified account is to convey more credibility with the customer.

Main advantages

There are numerous advantages which this new business communication tool can bring to companies and clients.

See some:

  • With WhatsApp Business, companies will have a commercial presence in WhatsApp, will communicate more efficiently with their customers and have better ways to grow their business.
  • It can be used as a powerful marketing tool, promoting your products and services, as well as the dissemination of diverse and informative content to customers.
  • It can be a way to get leads and then converting them into customers.
  • A direct channel that allows the customer to start and establish a service in a dynamic way and, at the same time, allows a flow of time demand, according to what it has. Different from what happens in customer service by telephone, which the customer needs to be stuck on the phone while the call is in progress.

WhatsApp Business Features

whatsapp chatbot push plataformaThe business version of the messenger is with many useful features for daily business.

See some:

  • Company data settings – you can fill out a complete profile, with all the main company data, like name, business type, description, hours of customer service, location and website. Every customer likes better information about the company, which maintains commercial contact. This brings more security in operations.
  • Statistics – have control of everything that is happening with your messages. Know the exact number of messages sent, delivered, read, and received. With this statistical resource, the entrepreneur will have a means of verifying its acceptance with the clients.
  • Automatic messages – set automated messages so your customers receive when they contact out of service hours, or other occasions, such as absence message, greeting and inactivity message (if a customer first contacted and didn’t interact anymore, within 14 days a scheduled message will be sent).
  • Standard answers – certain questions and inquiries from customers, in many cases, have the same answer. With that in mind, WhatsApp Business allows you to include standard messages, saving time for typing on the part of the company.
  • Calendar – allows you to choose days and times you won’t serve customers. In conjunction with automated messaging, you’ll have an ideal solution for when you’re not serving the customers.
  • Versão web – com a versão web o mensageiro poderá ser utilizado no computador, facilitando o trabalho e agilizando o processo de digitação.
  • Possibilidade de migração de conta, contatos e conversas – quando você instalar o WhatsApp Business e for cadastrar um número que já esteja em funcionamento na versão normal do WhatsApp, será perguntado se deseja migrar a conta para a plataforma Business do mensageiro.

O WhatsApp Business está disponível nas plataformas móveis Android, iOS e Windows Phone, e também nas plataformas para PC com sistema operacional Windows e Mac OS. Os usuários de distribuições Linux podem utilizar a versão web do mensageiro por meio do navegador de internet.

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