Use SMS as a solution for small businesses. Know how!

Por Weni


10 de July de 2017
3 min. de leitura

The use of smartphones is a gigantic phenomenon in Brazil. It is estimated that there are more than 168 million mobile users, according to a survey by FGV-SP. And using SMS for small businesses as part of your marketing strategy can be very beneficial to the spread of your business, bringing you closer to your customers.

Want to know how this is possible? In this post, we will give tips on how to implement this strategy. Follow us!

Cheap and efficient resource

This is one of the features with a lower cost of operation and offers the advantage of perfectly complementing your email marketing campaign. You can schedule sending SMS in an integrated way to the emails you send to your customers and followers.

The advantages are several, but the main one is perhaps the high reading rate, with 98% of messages received via SMS being read by the public within a minute and a half.

Another thing: any cell phone opens SMS, not needing to be a smartphone. In addition, to read the messages, the user does not even need a data packet.

Custom customer relationship

If you work with a targeted audience, such as a food supplement store that caters to athletes and bodybuilders, you can send personalized informational content to your customers via SMS with fitness tips and exclusive promotions.

For satisfaction surveys, for example, there is also a no better vehicle. Receiving questionnaires by SMS, the customer can answer them in the periods when waiting in the queue of a bank or inside a taxi.

Customer loyalty

Using SMS helps your business to retain customers with valuable informational content by converting them into leads into your sales funnel.

This type of contact with the client strengthens the image of the company, bringing it closer to the client’s daily routine.

However, you need to know at what stage of the sales funnels your customer is to avoid mistake the focus of the messages.

For example, marketing messages will not be as appropriate for customers who are about to close a purchase – for these, informative content would be more efficient. So always use SMS messages in the context of your content marketing strategy.

Campaign without excesses

To follow the standards of using SMS to keep your customers loyal, you need to be careful about some basic rules:

  • Send messages only during business hours;
  • Does not convey political or religious content;
  • Does not share raffle or contests.

It is also important to send messages moderately and with relevant information to avoid losing the customer’s attention.

In addition, the ideal for this format is to use up to 160 characters in messages. Therefore, improve writing and develop more objective and synthetic content.

It is also important to maintain the periodicity without being excessive, so keep weekly contact via SMS with your client, but never exceed seven messages per week.

So, have you seen how it is possible to use SMS for small businesses and leverage your marketing campaign? If you have something to add to these tips, share with us and our readers by leaving your comment!

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