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Understand how omnichannel works

Por Weni


18 de May de 2017
3 min. de leitura
Homem fazendo uma compra online em seu tablet, segurando o cartão de crédito

No matter what size or action segment, omnichannel in e-commerce is a trend that has come to help everyone. This concept aims to favor purchasing relationships, allowing entrepreneurs to sell more and better.

But after all, what is the omnichannel?

The term omnichannel is almost a description of what is expected of the retail market from now on. Speaking more objectively, the concept refers to the multiplicity of sales and service channels, integrating the physical store with the virtual.

The purpose of this integration is to serve consumers wherever they are, allowing for various forms of interaction with your business.

The omnichannel premise is based on the idea that the consumer tends to use the most convenient purchase means. To prove it, just think of the way you shopping: there are products that you don’t mind buying from an e-commerce, maybe even prefer, but there are those that you don’t give up personally checking them, is it true?

Understand that customers have been multi-channel for a long time, but now it’s the turn of companies to adapt to that concept.

Infográfico ilustrando o conceito de omnichannel

What’s the need to have integrated channels?

The need for the omnichannel in e-commerce is supported by the fact that it is possible to offer other possibilities as well as offering products online. Consumers search for information, want to ask questions, buy and trade goods through the physical store, virtual store, or even via a mobile application.

A study by IBM looked at about 30,000 people around the world to find out what they, as customers, prioritize at the purchase time. The result was (in order):

  1. price coherence regardless of the channel;
  2. be able to receive unavailable products in stock directly at home;
  3. be able to track the purchase status;
  4. have relevant and advantageous offers across the various channels;
  5. have the possibility to return the purchases online in a physical store.

This research leaves a clear message: The more channels, the more likely the consumer will get from you.

However, it should be clarified that the omnichannel isn’t restricted to the integration of the physical store with e-commerce. Being present in multi-channel means selling by applications, social networks, television, and showrooms, for example.

How to apply the omnichannel in e-commerce?

For those who already have a physical store, it’s important to keep in mind that the customer who entered and didn’t buy, perhaps, was just there to check a product of their interest. When consumers enter and leave without taking anything, guide sellers to showcase the online store.

Now, for those who only have one e-commerce, one must be attentive to the channels of communication, as an example of social networks and email marketing. Another point that can’t be left out is the chatbot‘s use, a resource that can be very effective in obtaining and retaining new customers.

If possible, create partnerships that can help improve sales and customer service. You have to use creativity and always look for the buyers’ needs to be 100% available.

The application of omnichannel in e-commerce is a process that starts slowly, which must be started by any and all branches of business.

So what did you think about our article? Do you still have any questions? Tell us here in the comments!

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