What are the UN’s SDGs? Learn about the goals for human well-being

Por Camila Morais


28 de November de 2022
5 min. de leitura
o que são os ods da onu

The Sustainable Development Goals, also known as SDGs, have been in effect since September 2015. They are considered the essential pillars that serve as a priority for decision-making regarding international public policy until 2030.

This article will explain what these goals are and how they impact the future of the labor market.

What are the UN SDGs?

In short, the SDGs are 17 jointly agreed goals containing 169 targets for the 193 countries belonging to the United Nations to take the necessary actions to end extreme poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people have peace and well-being. 

These Goals were stipulated, based on statistics gathered on situations of vulnerability, years before the conference where these goals were decreed.

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What is the 2030 agenda?

The 2030 agenda is a global action plan, that is, it is the deadline set for the implementation of all the goals established to improve life and preserve the planet.

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

un sdg
resource: https://www.un.org/pt/sustainable-development-goals

The 17 SDGs established by the UN are: 

1. Poverty eradication: Eliminate poverty, including its causes and forms everywhere.

2. Zero Hunger and Sustainable Agriculture: Solve hunger and propose sustainable food security, as well as improve nutrition and incorporate agriculture.

3. Health and Well-Being: A goal to promote healthy living and well-being for all ages.

4. Quality Education: To have inclusive, equitable, and quality education with the opportunity for lifelong learning.

5. Gender Equality: Empowering women and girls to achieve gender equality. 

6. Clean water and sanitation: Ensuring basic sanitation for all people and promoting sustainable water use.

7. Clean and Accessible Energy: Promoting access to and ensuring affordable, reliable, sustainable, and renewable energy for all.

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth: Ensuring sustainable economic growth and decent work for all. 

9. Innovation Infrastructure: Building sustainable and innovative infrastructure and industrialization.

10. Reduction of Inequality: Reducing inequality within and among countries

11. Sustainable cities and communities: Ensuring that communities and human settlements are safe, inclusive, and sustainable.

12. Responsible consumption and production: Promote responsible and innovative production patterns.

13. Action on global climate change: Tackling climate change urgently and safely.

14. Water life: Conservation of marine resources and conscious use for innovation.

15. Life on land: Restoring and protecting ecosystems by combating desertification and degradation of the Earth and biodiversity.

16. Peace, justice, and effective institutions: Promoting a peaceful and just society at all levels.

17. Partnerships and means of implementation: Contributing to and strengthening sustainable development through global partnership.

When and how were the 17 UN SDGs created?

The 17 SDGs were created after a good result in the Millennium Development Goals, the MDGs, where a considerable improvement was noticed regarding global poverty, access to clean water, and education. 

From this, it was proposed to continue all the work that had already been developed, but with new goals to be achieved. 

In 2015, these goals were recognized by the UN and passed on to the countries as a global responsibility. Within these 17 principles, there are 169 goals, which serve as a guide or step-by-step for the functionality of each goal. 

How to align your projects to the UN’s SDGs?

How should your processes, products, and services be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals?  

After all, we have the commitment to promote improvements and quality in our labor market, considering that our country is a signatory – or has a binding agreement with the UN. 

First, think: what difference does your brand and your solutions make in the world, in people’s lives, and in society? 

When we talk about the labor market in Brazil, we cannot forget the network that exists in our country of the global pact. This is an organism that the UN maintains interlocution with companies to advance the sustainable development agenda. 

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It is possible to apply the UN’s SDGs in your company

To do so, leaders must be aware and assume this responsibility in their business. It is worth noting that this attracts more talent and will further improve the company’s indicators, making the business more strategic.

When the existence of governmental and corporate goals becomes clear, the involved parties – namely, the stakeholders, it becomes clearer to know where the company needs to make adjustments to align with the proposed goals.

So, when a company promotes changes so that there is no longer the need to print and send invoices for services and products, there is automatically the application of SDG 13, which deals with promoting actions against climate change.

When there are actions against bullying within the workplace, we are promoting the fulfillment of SDG 16, which talks about peace and justice and effective institutions. 

These are some examples that can help the vision and direction that your project needs to take. 

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Employee training based on these principles has also become a good investment, so that employees can adopt the thoughts and strategies that apply to these SDGs.

With the clarification regarding the SDGs and how to apply them, understand how Weni uses the EVP pillars to create diversity policies. 

SEO Analyst, passionate about content with a focus on optimization strategies, lead generation, and conversion.

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