ChatGPT Prompts: Get to know the types and creat intelligent conversations

Por Camila Morais


19 de May de 2023
5 min. de leitura
prompts para chat gpt

Have you heard of prompts for ChatGPT but still don’t know how to use them effectively?

These phrase suggestions and instructions are capable of creating increasingly intelligent conversations.

For this, it is important that you know the types of prompts and how to use them. This way, you will avoid monotonous dialogues and optimize your productivity and creativity.

In this article, we will explain what prompts for ChatGPT are and the types of prompts, so you can learn how to use them and discover a world of possibilities and cost reduction with Artificial Intelligence.

What are prompts for ChatGPT?

Prompts for ChatGPT are commands that you write to guide it in its responses. The more complete your instructions are, the more direct and accurate the generated text will be.

Additionally, prompts should be adapted according to the context of the dialogue. This means that there are different types of commands that vary according to your needs to generate intelligent and high-quality responses.

In slightly more technical language, these prompts are inputs for the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) language model.

What are the types of prompts for ChatGPT?

The types of prompts for ChatGPT are the targeting models you provide to GPT in order to avoid or execute certain types of responses and dialogues.

Some of the most commonly used or recommended prompt types are:

  • Positive prompts;
  • Negative prompts;
  • Behavior prompts;
  • Creativity prompts;
  • Task prompts;
  • Story prompts;
  • Opinion prompts;
  • Command prompts;
  • Choice prompts;
  • Context prompts.

Let’s understand the most commonly used ones and how they can help.

Positive prompts

Positive prompts are commands that guide ChatGPT to provide relevant information for generating dialogue or text. This means they provide specific directions according to your intentions.

For example: “Write a topic about the benefits of artificial intelligence for companies.”

In this situation, ChatGPT was instructed to generate direct content that addresses the proposed theme.

Let’s see an example:

positive prompt for chatgpt

Negative prompts

Negative prompts are directions for information that should not be provided in ChatGPT’s response.

Generally, this command is used for the artificial intelligence to disregard offensive, irrelevant, inappropriate, or potentially misunderstood contexts, words, and phrases.

An example of a negative prompt would be: “Do not include information about religion and politics in your response.”

In the GPT, it would be:

negative prompt

Behavior prompts

This type of command is very useful in chatbots for customer service or virtual assistants that automate internal processes.

Behavior prompts guide ChatGPT to have a certain behavior, tone, or “personality” in its responses and dialogues.

In other words, through appropriate and precise instructions, your responses and conversations with the AI will have a specific “personality.”

Here are some examples:

“Suppose you are an expert in chatbot development and respond to me in a technical and in-depth manner about how a flow with AI works.”

“Create a welcome message for my clients. The message should be friendly, cheerful, and helpful in tone.”

This is a way to guide ChatGPT to adapt to the personality and profile needs of your audience or those interacting with it.

Creativity prompts

Are you out of ideas for your campaign’s creatives? Are your social media captions becoming “more of the same”?

Creativity prompts are used to make ChatGPT’s responses go beyond the obvious. This is a very useful application to help you innovate and think outside the box in your strategies and processes.

An example of a creativity prompt for ChatGPT would be:

“Imagine you are a CEO or marketing director who needs to develop a completely differentiated and revolutionary strategy for lead generation and sales. Describe what your strategy would be like and why this approach would generate more visibility and authority for your brand.”

Task prompts

Task prompts are used when you want ChatGPT to perform a specific action.

For example, you need to create a programming code for a page on your website. Here are two examples in the images below:

task prompt for gpt

Another example would be

task for coding gpt

How to use ChatGPT prompts to create intelligent conversations

In addition to knowing the types of commands and identifying which one is appropriate for your current needs, it is important to keep certain things in mind when using them.

So, to create efficient conversations and tasks with any type of Artificial Intelligence, whether it’s GPT or not, follow the instructions below.

Be clear and specific Regardless of the type of prompt being used, make sure to be clear and specific in your commands. The more detailed your guidance is, the better the generated responses and the history of AI in your account will be.

For example, instead of asking “Respond to me about topic X,” be more complete, such as “Provide me with an overview of the main features of topic X and highlight its applications in the AI industry.

Do you see the difference?

Break your conversation into steps If you need to use task prompts or engage in a long conversation, it is preferable to divide the interaction and commands into steps.

This way, you help ChatGPT organize its responses and be more specific in generating text.

Think of it as interacting with a person. If you provide too much information without pauses, something is likely to be overlooked.

Provide context Whenever you start an input, provide context to guide the intelligence. Consider that GPT and other types of chatbots have a vast database with similar subjects in different contexts.

So, the more cohesion your commands have, the better the tasks and conversations you will have.

Now that you are more familiar with the types of prompts for ChatGPT, start putting the tips into practice. Create intelligent conversations and train your skills to use artificial intelligence to your advantage or for the benefit of your company.   


SEO Analyst, passionate about content with a focus on optimization strategies, lead generation, and conversion.

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