Use older technologies still help in communication with customers?

Por Weni


25 de December de 2017
4 min. de leitura
Mulher nervosa ao telefone

The old technologies become obsolete faster and faster with the frenetic pace of advances in this area. However, despite being outdated, some media can become quite advantageous because of the lower costs and efficiency they still maintain, especially with regard to communication with customers.

There are several older ways, such as SMS, to take advantage of these features in your business. So if you are interested in the subject, continue reading and learn more about it.

SMS use

E-commerce is one of the fastest growing areas in the country in recent years. There are even estimates that it will grow another 15% in 2017. However, the most sensitive aspect of this type of business is certainly the relationship with the customer.

Because it is virtual, it needs to be more effective and demonstrate greater reliability, especially in the delivery process, being able to be optimized with SMS messages.

SMS on payment confirmation

Confirmation of payment notifications sent by SMS is a widely used technique. After all, it is a very efficient and practical means, being easily accessible to the customer and very low cost for the company.

A good tip is to inform the payment confirmation to the customer also notifying him of the order preparation for the shipment.

SMS in a good sending

Customers feel more comfortable having access to updated information about shipping their product. Anyone who buys online has the tendency to wait anxiously for the product to arrive soon.

In this case, SMS notifications can serve to reassure the customer. Enter in the message that the order has already been delivered to the carrier and will be sent by the end of the day, for example. This alone represents a huge gain in UX from its online sales platform.

SMS on delivery confirmation

Another practice that improves your relationship with the customer is sending notifications about delivery confirmation. This may seem, at first sight, unnecessary, but it isn’t, and I’ll already explain why.

Clients who live in a building with concierge, for example, whose porters have to deal with a huge amount of orders per day, may not even know of their product arrival.

That’s why the “We deliver your product” messages can streamline the process and make customer much more satisfied with your delivery service.

Limitations of this technology

The most obvious SMS limitations are graphical since communication by this means is only by text. Therefore, your use will be restricted to notifications only.

To solve this question, by expanding the language possibilities of this media a bit more, a good way is to send links in the messages to online content, if need be.

Limitation of writing space in SMS also forces you to be as concise as possible, which may not be ideal for more informative content.

In addition, care must be taken not to make your messages sound like spam. For this, check the best times and the ideal regularity to obtain good results.

The technologies integration

Completes CRM systems (Customer Relationship Management) can rely on various technologies in customer communication, but ideally, they work in an integrated way.

For this reason, using SMS as a complementary technology to the most current of customer service, such as applications, can be a good strategy.

The choice of one or another technology depends on your audience profile. Imagine a gaming and computer store, chat service, or chatbots on social networks, would be more appropriate than SMS messaging.

So, reader, we hope you had enjoyed this little newsletter on how to leverage technologies to improve your communication with customers. Enjoy, too, and check out our tips on using SMS as a solution for your small business!

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