Humanized Customer Service: what is it, tips and how to implement it?

Por Bruno Amaral


13 de July de 2021
10 min. de leitura

Humanized Customer Service is an essential strategy in contemporary business scenarios. 

That happens because businesses need to worry about customer experience to promote their brand and attract them, since humanization of the service is an opportunity to treat the buyer with empathy, creating a bound and customizing communication.

That is, the public needs to be pleased by the connections made by companies in a way that they feel appreciated, and they can have the perception of the exclusiveness of the actions and answers of the brand. 

Therefore, in this article, you can learn how to use humanized customer experience in practice, with empathy, and how to increase your company’s Customer Service potential to be totally ready for the clients.

What is humanized customer experience?

The representation of a humanized customer experience in a company happens when it understands a client’s requests and answers their demands successfully, paying attention to what customers desire and being empathetic on problems resolution.

This perfect match between the needs and desires of the user with precise answers from more humane support is key to establish a warm connection, fomenting the communication, and better understanding the buyer.

How does the humanized customer experience work in practice?

The goal of a more humanized customer experience is to value proper communication with empathy. 

That is, not only do companies need to keep respectful relationships and dialogues with all their clients, but they also need to cultivate the charm and satisfaction that leads to buyer’s loyalty.

It’s needed to develop important characteristics to servicing, such as respecting and caring about the other person who has contacted the company.

Whether for answering questions, getting to know the products offered by the company, or closing the deal, the user wants to feel welcome.

Therefore, see how to put this strategy into practice.

Having empathy on customer service

Understanding what the other means and, mostly, putting yourself into the other person’s shoes is the best way to deal with their needs and identify their desires.

Thus, observing the importance of customer experience is to genuinely care about the client’s wishes. 

Research conducted by Bain & Company showed that only 8% of the buyers have the perception of a good experience with many companies. That shows the importance of fully understanding who gets in contact with the brand and can acquire products or services continually.

Making the client feel exclusive

Besides really paying attention to questions and to what customers are looking for, it’s important to invest in customizing the contact.

For example, identify a customer’s profile to offer a more customized discourse in front of what they need, leading to the approximation and making the conversation less mechanical.

The customer expects the context they are in to be of identification and to have a humanized service, elevating the quality of the answers and the company’s dialogues.

The user needs to have the perception of being unique so that their expectations can be fulfilled.

Then, customize and make the humanization of the service.

Keeping a proactive team 

Interaction is key to Customer Service, and the team needs to be proactive and prepared to not be waiting for the public to make its demands.

Thus, a service with more attention is also trying to offer effective solutions by customization. 

The improvement of this understanding is a continuum to developing the necessary abilities and offering the best service. And also to solve problems and having product options even before the client offers themselves to buy something.

That efficiently saves time.

A tool to humanize company service

jornada de compraA tool to humanize company service. Photo: Pexels

The Customer Service chatbot Weni can automatize Customer Service with the use of Artificial Intelligence, offering support through a robot that transforms company-clients communication.

But how does that work? Besides being available 24 hours a day and solving all frequent requests the company receives, the chatbot is programmed to offer customized support due to the integration with the data systems the company has.

That is, problem-solving is made automatically without losing humanized service, which is very important to be closer to the public. 

The platform obtains a history of the relationship with the client and understands the demands that are made through the customer’s chosen channel.

Besides using information from the company database, which has the customer’s profile, dialogues are natural and spontaneous due to the use of strong Natural Language Processing (NLP). 

So, communication is held as if two humans were talking.

Benefits of a Humanized Customer Service

Realize your business needs to offer connections that promote client satisfaction. 

Effective and customized support — everything that humanization offers to the service — creates indispensable benefits to clients that will feel recognized and exclusive on the channels available for contact.

See now what advantages of a humanized service on companies has:

Charm the customer 

Reach clients through Customer Service, letting the company take part in charming every user with the set of actions from the beginning of the contact until the after-sale, for example.

The results from a more satisfied public are more profit, with the increase of the investment in a brand that is admired by its clients. Thus, you can be praised by the buyer and can preserve a long-term business partnership.

That is, charm leads to customer’s loyalty because they will remember the humanized service they got. As a consequence, knowing your client’s profile will make all the difference.

The public notices the exclusiveness and sees themselves as fundamental, not as “just another buyer” in that company. 

Therefore, they feel integrated into an environment that favors something bigger than just answers from a prepared script. 

Increasing profit

Humanization of Customer Service is the starting point to being more relevant on the market, not only to capture new clients but to make the older ones loyal.

Then, with a service that is customized, growing, and always available with empathy, customer’s occasional doubts are expressively answered, problems are solved, and the business profitability tends to grow.

That happens because a better dialogue with customers can lead to more sales, once the brand is praised on client’s consideration. So it’s a great strategy that makes communication easier and also increases profit.

Therefore, keep positively impacting and also have the next benefit!

Being closer

Even on virtual contact, with online Customer Service, it’s possible to be closer to clients with humanized contact.

That is, the conversational robot positively transforms the service, because it is not bound to human emotions, such as stress, anger, and other feelings that can harm a good empathetic service on tough days.

This very robot can be programmed to develop a friendly language and, at the same time, an optimized communication to identify client’s needs and offer solutions.

Then, a good relationship between the brand and its buyers is established to better serve them and be closer to them. 

Customer Service only has to improve with a service that offers quality without being limited.

How to implement Humanized Service in your company?

Creating a relationship with customers through humanized service shouldn’t be hard!

Implement this way of supporting clients incorporating humanization into the company culture, with teamwork so that this strategy can involve everybody and be successfully cultivated.

Topics below put this evolution on customer experience in practice.

Unify the different channels

Omnichannel Customer Service unifies the contact points where clients can communicate with companies.

Thus, they can start the request by phone and finish it on the website chat without losing anything during the communication. 

That is, what the user started in a tool can be recovered due to the integration of many channels. 

Besides offering many contact points, they need to be connected with the relationship history from that client so that it can be really effective.

Train your team

The support team must be trained to be quick, to listen to client’s and to put in practice a humanized service in the corporation.

Besides being empathetic, the organizational culture needs to have important values, such as respecting the other person’s time, to avoid ceaseless transfers between sectors, which is annoying for the public.

Thus, workers will be trained with fundamental abilities that allow the solving of countless problems.

Contextualize according to the buyer’s journey

The buyer’s journey must be considered during the support to know in what situation the client is.

For example, according to registered data, analyze what part of the process the user is in and their history with the company.

Thus, the experience won’t be exhausting to the consumer, who won’t have to repeat information, and it won’t be repetitive to the worker, who will get information from the system.

Give way to feedback

Company contact points must be always open to receiving feedback from clients, showing the organization cares about the buyer’s opinion

That is the way the customer-brand relationship gets closer, allowing the evaluation from those who are buying your product/service.

Therefore, the implementation of processes such as satisfaction surveys also helps to fulfill customer’s expectations in every contact.

Examples of companies with Humanized Service

Now, you can look at the examples of some of the companies that are already using this trend to increase client satisfaction.

Those are inspiring organizations that use humanized service to improve customer experience.


Coca-Cola is not a brand only known for selling soda. Its excellent Customer Service is a priority, with open dialogue that promotes happiness.

That is, workers are capable of amplifying trained actions to spread quality, reach efficiency and elevate trust in all its areas.

With promising experiences in having client’s attention on different channels, the company has their loyalty due to a quick response time, meeting deadlines, and revising the parameters of quality in its service.

Thus, complaint vias are moderated to offer excellent treatment. All this comes with the optimization of Customer Service, prioritizing the importance of humanization to attach solutions in all contact points.


The delivery company iFood has examples of humanized Customer Service, with initiatives that recreate customer experience through technological tools.

Some of the initiatives included new projects in different parts of the world, such as the “iFood Box”. Thermo structures were installed in buildings with expressive people circulation with the objective of not interrupting the work journey of the team.

Thus, the client could receive their order by a QR-Code. There is also a “Take Out” option, for the users who prefer to make the request by the app and get the order directly from the restaurant later on.

This way, working with humanized service is investing in tools and teams willing to deliver the best of every company. That makes all the difference. 

It increases the efficiency of the processes, makes answers more friendly, and shows the customers are appraised.

In conclusion

In this article, you could understand what Humanized Customer Service is and how to successfully implement it in your company.

Rethinking how the organization communicates with its clients is essential to put in practice tools that are effective and improve Customer Service.

Weni is revolutionary in the humanization of support with intelligent automation, making the customer experience unique and prioritizing aspects such as agility, customization, and integration to make the customer’s life easier and elevate the positive image of the brand.

Thus, you can boost humanized service in your company with our Weni Chatbot Platform and be in an excellent position with this tool.

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