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Everything you need to know about digital customer service

Por Bruno Amaral


12 de April de 2018
6 min. de leitura

The technological changes are hard to follow sometimes, but we can’t escape from them. In fact, we need them. If it’s already difficult to follow the technological rhythm, imagine the rhythm of our lives. Every day is a rush. We wake up and go to sleep with a hurricane of thoughts. Maybe that’s why we want all things faster and faster. This rule isn’t different when it is about the goods and services that we buy or want. Make it clear that more agility, by no means, corresponds to less efficiency. On the contrary, besides hurrying and impatient, we are much more demanding.

Even in a hurry, we are always pretty well informed and connected. We want more and we want better! The market, of course, needs to be shaped by the constant transformations in our lifestyle and meeting the expectations of the new consumer profile isn’t an easy task. It demands progressive and uninterrupted innovation. Physical presence isn’t indispensable anymore. For sure, traditional forms of customer service are being replaced.

Who can stand to spend hours on the phone, listening to those annoying waiting songs, until finally being attended by someone who will transfer the call to several other attendants, til the last one, that probably won’t solve the problem?! Or worst! The call ends suddenly.

After all, what is digital customer service?

How, then, can we escape from this old, tiring, and, occasionally, ineffective model? We introduce you digital customer service, the process of inserting technologies in the customer services which aims to offer automated, simplified and high-level services, using AI and systems that best fit the needs of each enterprise.

Oftenly, the customer service is done through channels such as social networks, that, although are digital media, are intermediated by a corporate team that responds to demands without any automation process. This way, many problems can happen, regarding the demands of the current consumer, due to the difficulty in obtaining quick answers. And slowness is the word from which we all try to run away from.

Some people criticize this “digital syndrome” and affirm that the services have become impersonal, but this isn’t true. There are many ways to personalize digital service and humanize it in a certain way.

For that, the language has to be professional, yet simple and friendly! There must be some effort to identify the customer. Of course a company does not know all its users individually, however, it can – and should! – do researches and surveys of personas and target public to individualize as much as possible each service. Behind every machine, there is a human being. The customer needs to know that he can count on the support of an agent if it is necessary. The human relationship and technology must complement each other, always prioritizing customer satisfaction.

Social Networks and APPs

We live in a scenario where applications and social networks are essential. Why not use it for support? WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Instagram and many other channels that are successful in the entertainment world, today, are also used to assist the relationship between companies and customers. These channels must be used with wisdom in the digital service and, to, in addition, be a tool for collecting and managing data for future conversations.

The interactivity that social networks provide, allows companies to know what consumers are thinking and talking about their brands. This way, it’s possible to improve relationships considerably.


If a conversation through messages works, videos can show even more transparency. Video chats can be a very pertinent option, as they are close to a face-to-face conversation. For pre-sales and after sales as well. If you are an indecisive person when buying, you can have an attendant there, on the other side of the screen, displaying products. Or if you’ve bought something defective, you can show it and explain what happened in real-time to solve the problem quickly. Another advantage is that, through video, the chances of a communication error are reduced and success easier achieved for both. It’s important for the attendant to receive prior training to achieve an optimal service.

Virtual Assistants

Another great choice for business owners, when it comes to investing in the ease of digital service, are Virtual Assistants, or VAs, something that maybe even without realizing it, you’ve probably already used. Who never talked to Siri or Google Now?

VA is a software agent programmed to perform various tasks through user interaction, which is able to access information from web sources. From reading the news, until to find a restaurant where you’ll have dinner today. All of this using text messaging or voice command. In the case of the customer vs. company relationship, the idea is that, over time, virtual assistants can support all stages of a purchase. Because of its artificial intelligence, with the interactions, the system will become more “intelligent” and able to compile even more information.

The main benefits are instant service – 24 hours per day! – and a wide range of access (computer, cellular, tablet and everything else).


The new friend for many companies when it comes to digital service is the chatbot, which is basically a conversation with a robot. The software was developed to simulate a human conversation and to solve users’ problems and doubts. And the best: immediately! Therefore, as a consumer, you can make complaints about goods or services, decide what to buy, get tips and many other alternatives. It can be done through channels like SMS, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Twitter, Viber, and others.

There are already many options available, not to mention the ones that are coming. At the end of last year, Smart Insights did a study with 850 marketing professionals about trends that would most impact business in 2018. The conclusion was that all of them are synthesized in the digital transformation of the business. 63% of companies were involved until then. Brazil seems to go at a slower pace. According to a more recent survey conducted by Data Corporation, the Brazilian market isn’t ready to fill the lack of transformation of the digital customer service yet. 79% of companies were listed as beginners in the process.

Now, that you already know more about it, stay tuned to fit the new directions of business relationships. As a consumer, demanding the most skilled service and for companies: qualification and renewal are the keys to fulfilling this role for the sake of customer safety and convenience.

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