Using Weni Platform to show gratitute to the donors of your NGO

Por Matheus Enrique


11 de March de 2022
5 min. de leitura
donation chatbot

Donations are a very important step for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), as it’s through it that most obtain the investment to continue carrying out their work.

Retaining your donor’s loyalty so that it becomes a recurrent donor is an essential activity for NGOs. With a good relationship with your donors you can have a guaranteed return in the next month and strategic actions can be taken thanks to this financial predictability.

The importance of good marketing strategies for NGOs cannot be ignored. One of the strategies that proved to be more efficient was the creation of digital presence together with a space where donors can make online donations through their devices.

But this space cannot just exist. It needs to be well designed to meet donor demand in the best possible way, always aiming for good performance and service to ensure a good relationship between the organization and its supporters.

In this context, the use of automation and chatbots to help fundraising can be an important asset for NGOs that want to scale their fundraising by reaching large audiences, but want each donor to have the best experience possible.

In this article, we will understand the importance of a post-donation stage with more love and how it impacts the loyalty of your donors, using the Weni platform to create a chatbot flow that can bring a better experience to those who help your NGO.

Generating recognition: More than a Thank You Page

When making an online donation, the first message the donor usually receives is the information that their amount has been debited and a thank you scheduled after the transaction.

This is the least we can do on payment and donation platforms, but it doesn’t mean it’s an effective strategy for your donor to come back. For them to be recurrent donors a relationship needs to be created and a key feeling for this relationship is recognition.

Recognizing the action and effort that was necessary for the donation to happen makes the donor feel part of everything that is being built and a feeling that could be just charity, becomes a feeling of belonging.

Here are some forms of post-donation engagement that you can use with your audience.

Read More: Humanized Chatbot: what is it, how to creat and why invest in this technology?

Personalized messages with information that generate connection with the donor

In some donation cases, donors need to register with some personal information such as name and date of birth. Knowing how to use this information within your base becomes a great differential to generate engagement, whether using the name in a personalized way in messages or even wishing your donors a happy birthday.

Keep your donors always up to date

 Whether through marketing emails, social networks, or even calls, keeping donors always aware of what is happening in the organization is very important for their sense of belonging to grow more and more. When someone knows where their donation is going the chance that the donation will be repeated increases.

Create meaningful rituals and important days for your community

Remember: your donor is also a volunteer for your NGO. He is part of your community and often what starts as a simple donation can generate other resources and benefits for your organization, so always keep this community close by, create rituals periodically and create days where this community can join (in person or not) and celebrate all that has been achieved.

Engaging post-donation with the Weni Platform

Carrying out the engagement strategies mentioned above are much easier when you use communication automation, especially with smart and multichannel chatbots that you can only find here at Weni.

To show how such a strategy can work in practice, we created a chatbot flow using our platform. This flow would be executed right after the confirmation of the donation transaction made by the supposed new NGO donor.

The purpose of the flow is simple, to capture information from the donor to include it within the donor community and create some engagement actions in the future.

Understanding the flow

flow donor weni plataform

In the image, we have a chatbot flow created for the demo. It is a simple flow, with the purpose of capturing two pieces of information from the contact: name and email.

However, by capturing this information, we have the possibility of registering the donor in several post-donation actions. For our example, we created a simple email cadence.

When you sign up for the flow, you receive three emails at five-minute intervals. One talking about news from the fictional organization, another about a fictional event for the community and a last one to congratulate the donor on his birthday.

All this, demonstrating that simply and quickly it is possible to create an experience that totally changes the way your donors interact with your organization.

Would you like to start creating flows right now and developing a better relationship with your donors? You can get to know our platform and create an account. or talk to one of our experts who can help you with your main questions about adopting the platform.

And if you want to test the example we created for this article, just click here. Don’t worry about using your email, you won’t receive any messages later.

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