Digital Customer Service: what it is and how to hire

Por Weni


12 de May de 2022
10 min. de leitura
digital customer service

Digital customer service emerges in the midst of all the innovations in the world of technology to keep up with the updates and fill the gaps of the online transformation. 

The consumer has changed a lot and companies can only grow if they can adapt to the habits of this new user. Therefore, they must assume their role of providing customer service using new technologies, such as a chatbot platform.

The great way out for communication is in mobility and interaction with customers. Thus, digital is no longer an innovation, but crucial for bringing the brand closer to its customer.

In this post, we show how important digital channels are for quality customer service and how to use them effectively and competitively, providing the best experience for the public. 

Learn how support works in digital and what it is, as well as discover how to stand out with high-level service through diverse ways of communicating.

What is digital customer service?

Digital customer service is the mode of communication that uses technologies. Its benefits involve greater effectiveness through online and the insertion of technology in companies. Basically, it is the contacts that happen virtually, or with some intervention of technological tool. 

The novelty of the business with automated and simplified services are the first steps to high-level communication, standing out from the competition with artificial intelligence and attracting customers.

Thus, the use of systems that best fit this process is the central point for the development of good strategies in customer service. Channels such as social networks are digital media solutions that certainly reach the consumer and meet their demands.

Therefore, making the customer satisfied is possible through automation processes in digital platforms that make the answers very fast on the part of the company and facilitates the adaptation to the demands of this new online consumer distributed in different channels.

Why invest in digital attendance?

A company that invests in digital resources even for basic day-to-day actions is already ahead of others when it comes to automation and customer satisfaction. Examples of such activities that can be optimized are:

  • financial processes (sending notifications and bills, for example)
  • purchase of services/products
  • order inquiry
  • frequent queries 
  • satisfaction surveys

Consumers use their cell phones and electronic devices all the time, mainly for communication and various requests in applications. Even more, to contact a company.

Therefore, not having a digital phone service ends with the practicality and makes it difficult for a customer to continue consuming and, especially, be loyal to the brand. Slowness does not go well with online. 

How to implement digital attendance effectively and stand out in your industry?

An online channel is more than just starting a profile on a social network or initiating a WhatsApp contact. 

The efficiency lies in a customer service system used to quickly respond to the doubts and complaints raised by the customer.

Learn how to offer solutions with empathy, improving the user experience and with agility. The strategies go beyond achieving customer satisfaction with a successful support operation through a service system.

Integrate your channels

Digital channels need to be integrated to make it easier for the team to follow up and provide a good experience for the audience. In the absence of integration, imagine the customer filling out the same data several times in each interaction across multiple sites?

Service operators also don’t need repeated information, this makes it much more laborious to control all means of communication, besides increasing the chances of errors. Likewise, it is important to have a history of previous conversations so as not to frustrate the customer with the same questions and bring more problems instead of solutions.

Therefore, poor efficiency in omnichannel management can make contacts disastrous within the communication strategy, without the necessary centralization and unique customer journeys that are only possible with the integration of the channels.

Thus, an omnichannel online service platform unifies the consumer experience as well.

Invest in automation for your digital service

The automation platform allows you to have knowledge of the reasons for customer interaction and, therefore, it makes no sense to have manual processes and not use a service system that automates demands. 

In other words, all the routine actions of the human attendant can now be solved automatically by means of a tool. With this, employees occupy more strategic functions, leaving the automated online service to solve problems in various channels.

Automation is already a reality, and intelligent customer care platforms like Weni exist to create conversations on your site, social networks, and messaging applications. In this way, they optimize the strategy without complications and communicating with the customer through robots that use artificial intelligence. 

It is intuitive and the digital service works as if it were a real person answering the consumer’s questions in the multichannel environment. The company gains in availability, because the robot is available 24 hours, and in ease, improving customer service and user experience.

Customize and focus on experience

The customer experience can be automatically personalized, differentiating your company and improving digital customer service. Thus, the user has the impression that by all means of online contact, whether on social networks, by email, and by chat conversations on the website, his request will be met because the business understands his needs.

This is the point of differentiation, when the consumer receives personalized offers, being something he needed, and the channel is humanized. Therefore, the marketing campaign strategy can also use digital customer care tools to follow the customer journey, offering personalization and increasing results.

In this way, positively surprise the online service in every situation, while evolving the contact and transmitting the feeling of exclusivity to the consumer.

Examples of digital attendance

Companies need to embark on the virtual world to fit the market. Therefore, the use of various forms of digital customer service by phone or other devices must be put in place to upgrade in the online environment.

Learn what are the best and main types of digital communication.

Social networks and APPs

The adoption of new technologies involves attending on social networks and APPs to dialogue with the customer. A Digital In 2019 report shows that 66% of Brazilians are present on social networks, which can be the main communication channel.

Therefore, the business that does not have a digital contact with its audience either through social networks or APPs does not maintain success. It is necessary to meet customers where they are, and it is a great opportunity to have a quality service through apps.

It is also important to manage social networks and diversify the points of contact so that the user quickly finds a way to communicate with the company. Thus, messaging applications also expand business by increasing brand awareness and promoting products and services through online customer service.

A digital service through WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and other media gives the feeling of proximity and frequency to conquer the user by increasing the exposure of the company. This is due to the convenience of sending messages through applications and social networks, and because it is useful to receive answers and news in this digital service mode.

They also allow the inclusion of links, emojis, and images with a more informal language in the sending directed to customers on specific issues and always taking into account the personalization of the user for the humanization of the brand. 

Besides being possible to use monitoring tools, this is a great advantage to know how the online activities are taking place. Therefore, the use of social networks and messaging applications are opportunities to organize contacts and highlight the company.


Adopting videochat is to bring the business even closer to the consumer, valuing the mobility in attendance with differentiated resources in social networks. It narrows the contact through smartphone applications and sets up another digital attendance option with WhatsApp, Facetime, and Google Hangouts.

The videochat works as digital customer service, in the pre-sale and sales phase in the wake of online evolution. Through video, it is possible to show solutions for product/service demands in interactions, connecting with a larger number of people through mobile devices.

Now, this resource is not only used for personal conversations, the service by videochat is a business opportunity and a great differential. The chat is nothing new, but this example of digital customer service is new for the relationship with a brand. It still feels very much like face-to-face contact, yet another collaborative aggregator for this feature.

Intelligent Virtual Assistants

Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, and Microsoft Cortana. These are intelligent virtual assistants that can also function as a digital customer service for businesses. They are software agents programmed to respond to user commands, by voice or text.

Provide proper customer service through this feature by using personalization. How do you do it? Through the virtual assistant and as it is activated, the storage capacity of the information compiled increases, becoming increasingly intelligent.

In other words, the interaction improves the service and it is a great advantage to use a virtual assistant to get an answer according to the consumer’s preferences in instant services, also according to the customer’s characteristics.

It still allows access by various devices, such as tablets, smartphones or computers, available at the time the user wants to use them. Without service limitations by business hours and receiving a personalized return.


A chatbot service automates the customer service and is more than a trend these days, it is already a reality. This is because, in an automatic way, customers receive answers to frequently asked questions and the company offers contact support within messaging applications.

This service speeds up bureaucratic processes, and through Facebook Messenger, Telegram, WhatsApp, and other applications, the business starts the interaction with the client through a chatbot. Thus, it transforms with automation, for example, how to check a purchase status through customer service, receive bills, and make payments, all available 24 hours.

Even having information about new offers, checking releases or participating in promotions wherever the consumer is is simple with the use of the chatbot. Human agents are triggered only when the matter is more complex, that is, only when it is really necessary.

Therefore, the digital service through this tool reduces costs and organizes all the supports with the public. Even more, bringing the consumer closer through the communication platform. 

Get to know Weni’s friendly interface, the chatbot that speeds up contacts, integrates with various systems, and communicates in an intelligent and surprising way, generating positive experiences and increasing customer engagement.

The Weni Platform allows the integration of all data already registered by the user and solve the demands of digital attendance automatically.


The transformation of customer service to digital is already a reality and offers solutions that focus on the customer who wants agility, personalization, and optimization on the devices he uses all the time.

Therefore, quick answers in online service lead to an excellent experience. Thus, this improvement in communication can be achieved with automation and use of platforms with chatbots that have features to customize and adapt the message to each user.

Now that you know what digital customer service is, learn how it can evolve by getting to know our customer service solution.

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