Recent advances in AI and machine learning have made possible real technological miracles. One of them is chatbot, which enables companies to serve thousands of people at the same time in messaging applications, social networks or on their corporate sites.
In addition, chatbots offer a humanized service, while lowering operating costs for the company.
But what’s behind the success of this tool? The answer is very simple: the chatbots personality makes customer service more humanized and, in this way, the conversation can flow more naturally.
In this post, we will highlight some fundamental elements for your robot personality elaboration. Follow us!
Importance of personality in the chatbots development
It’s the chatbot personality that will define the way in which it will relate to your audience. In general, bots need to be polite and helpful with users, so these elements can’t be lacking in their personality.
However, some other features may be added to your profile, such as whether the bot will be playful or serious, female or male, spellbound or short of words, whether or not to use emoji in the messages, among several other variants.
Some big brand bots have a visual representation. You can also create a face for your chatbot. This imagery element in the bot’s personality can have a very positive impact on how your client sees you and how you relate to them.
Once these guidelines have been defined, the content production team begins the text construction that will make up the chatbot database.
Bot personality guidelines
To choose from these many possibilities in the composition of the chatbot personality, some key points must be well defined in the project. Are they:
Company values
Your robot will be a great representation of your brand because it will serve thousands of consumers 24 hours a day. Therefore, it must be built to represent well your company’s values.
To propagate your brand’s values, your chatbot must be equipped with all the technical knowledge about the services and products of your company and, at the same time, transmit it to the customer in the service in a very natural way.
To align your bot personality to your brand values spontaneously you can imagine how your brand would behave in a conversation with a friend: remember that the exchange of messages takes place via chat.
Audience profile
Remember that having a buyer persona defined, the personality of your bot needs to be well compatible with it. So to create a character that your audience can identify with.
To further refine the bot’s relationship with the public, you can use chat monitoring software to observe how your customers are reacting to your robot, from that data you can design the necessary enhancements.
Bot’s “voice tone”
Although each person has their way of speaking, their voice tone, it can vary according to the conversation formality level.
There are several communication situations that demand different postures and languages. You should use the appropriate language type in building your bot database, taking into account the specific context of the chat.
Push’s financial assistant
With “face” and name defined, “Susana Push” was the result of a project that integrated an enterprise resource planning aimed at the construction industry to the Push platform.
The assistant came up with the purpose of uncomplicating and optimizing the service, giving the client – in the principle, of constructors and corporations – a full-time access, through chatbots made available in homepages and social networks of companies and very soon in an APP!
The “robot” is able to generate reimpressions of tickets, point out financial positions, send billing (via SMS and voicemail) and expiration notices, and allow online trading. Everything automatically!
Before being built, of course, there was an analysis of how to draw a persona that would show reliability to the user. Mainly, by the fact that, in general, people involved with construction are more traditional.
The team’s designers worked to have Susana, a young, connected, formal and extremely professional woman, pass on credibility to the client. For this reason, they were based on the “intellectualized” stereotype
in the way of dressing and wearing glasses.
The team also bet on the humanized and Brazilian image, avoiding the typical robot avatar or foreign appearance.
Susana is a great bet by Push in the creation of chatbots to perform financial collections, a boring and repetitive task.
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