How to get a bot into Microsoft Teams: step-by-step for integration

Por Camila Morais


25 de August de 2022
10 min. de leitura
bot microsoft teams

Microsoft Teams is a teamwork hub that seeks to optimize collaboration in chats and documentations, facilitating processes and conversation between teams. But did you know that you can make this tool even more powerful when you integrate it with a communication platform? 

Weni Platform launched the integration with Microsoft Teams and this union makes the work even simpler, without blocks and agile, avoiding rework, bottlenecks, lack of alignment and optimizing communication. 

Below, check out how to integrate Weni platform and Microsoft Teams to create a bot and add it to an automation flow with Artificial Intelligence.

Advantages of Microsoft Teams integration in Weni Platform 

Developed with the goal of generating intelligent communications, Microsoft Teams allows different teams, such as marketing, sales and finance, to work together to solve problems and identify opportunities. All of this in an agile way and without hindrances and communication noise.

You can, for example, create a bot on Microsoft Teams and integrate it into a flow on the Weni Platform, leveraging all the tool’s resources and generating new uses for your team. 

This way anyone in the organization can perform their work faster and more efficiently. 

But, why does my company need this integration? 

Teams with more autonomy 

The automations allowed by the integrations make your teams have more work autonomy and, consequently, more agility in the processes. 

An example of this is the automation of sending and receiving messages and permissions. In this way, your team can create channels, set up new teams, and other activities without the need for human intervention. 

This agility solves a very common problem in companies: blocking demands. 

Centralization of information and saving in histories 

Have all the history of conversations, processes, document editing, and customer service saved in a history. Thus, employees with permissions can access this information, avoiding rework and generating more agility in the service. 

Add Artificial Intelligence to your Microsoft Teams 

Did you know that a bot in Microsoft Teams can answer your team’s main questions? With Weni’s AI integrated into MS Teams, your chatbot can inform and perform actions, such as opening and updating tickets. 

In this case, your chatbot will be able to assign requests to the technical team, change the status of tickets, send pendencies to the responsible parties and create new requests. All this automatically or with a few programmed commands.

In addition, your Microsoft Teams integrated bot can collect data in conversations and update task statuses in chats. 

Create a knowledge and data base 

Did you know that you can train the Artificial Intelligence that will be integrated into Microsoft Teams? In the Classification Intelligence option, you train your MS Teams AI so that it understands the intent of the request or question. 

With this, even if the employee or customer does not ask exactly what has been registered in the flow, your bot will be able to understand and identify the intent of the request. From this, it will search for the best solution within the knowledge base. 

The Content Intelligence allows your team to register informative texts so that the bot will automatically answer based on what was programmed. All of this works inside your organization’s Microsoft Teams. 

Improve people management 

Chatbots and integrations don’t just work in customer chats. They can also be used to listen to your employees and help with HR and PD decisions.

For example, does your organization currently have someone on standby throughout the workday to listen to employees? It can be about anything, such as questions, health problems, suggestions, and feelings about work.

Another point: Does your organization have a channel that sends news, updates about the company, news and scheduling meetings? A Microsoft Teams bot can do all this and more. 

Step by step of how to integrate Microsoft Teams in Weni Platform 

To create your bot in Microsoft Teams and integrate the tool into Weni Platform you need to: 

  • create an app in Azure;
  • add the Microsoft Teams channel
  • create the channel on the Weni Platform
  • configure your bot on

Let’s go step by step.

Creating an App in Azure 

To get started, you need to create your app in Azure (Microsoft’s app running platform).

So, go to the Azure Portal, and if you don’t have an account yet, just create one in a few minutes. Then follow the steps below:

Frist, log in to your account and select Create a resource

azure bot
  1. In the search box, search for Azure Bot 
  2. Select Azure Bot and click the Create button 
  3. Enter the identifying name for the bot in the Identification field 
  4. Select the signature from the list — by default the created signature will already appear
  5. Select the resource group you want or create a new one – to create a new resource group, select Create New, set a name and click OK, Then select the location from the New Resource Group Location dropdown list.
  6. Select the application type — we recommend you use Multi-tenant 
  7. Click Review + Create 
create azure bot

If everything is right, click Create to provision your bot. This may take a few minutes

create an azure bot

Once you are done, select Go to Resources and you are done! Your application in Azure is created 

If you want to set up your bot’s profile, simply go to the left menu to click Bot Profile. On the new page you will be able to add information, change profile picture and other customizations. 

Creating the Customer Secret 

Once your app is configured in Azure, you will need to create a client secret so that you can configure your bot and MS Teams channel on the Weni Platform. 

To do this, follow the following tutorial:

  1. Under settings, click Settings  
  2. Save the Microsoft Application ID (Client ID) in case you need future reference
teams conversation bot

Next to Microsoft Application ID click on Manage 

microsoft id manager

In the Customer Secrets section, click New Customer Secret and the Add a Customer Secret window will appear

client secret bot microsoft teams

In the Description, enter a period for the secret to expire and select Add

add client secret

After that, click Copy to clipboard in the Value column and save the new client secret ID

id client secret

After that, you will need to look for one more piece of data that will be used when creating your channel on the Weni Platform. To do this:

  1. go back to Home and select your bot
  2. On the left menu, click Overview
  3. Select Json View
json view

This will open a json with some information about your app. Look for tenant id and save the value. 

Adding the Microsoft Teams channel 

After creating your bot app in Azure and setting up the client secret, you will need to add your new MS Teams channel. 

To do this, the step-by-step is:

  1. Go back to Home and select your bot
  2. On the left menu, click Channels and then Microsoft Teams
channels microsoft teams

After clicking the Microsoft Teams channel, select the checkbox to accept the terms of service and click Agree, save and you are done!

Creating the channel on the Weni Platform 

Now is the time to start setting up your Weni Platform. To create the channel for integration with Microsoft Teams, the steps are:

  • Log in to Weni Platform
  • Create your project following this step by step 
  • In the left pane, click Integrations, then Other Applications, and then click Add Channel
channels weni platform
  • In the channel list, select Teams 
  • To connect a channel you will need the following information about the app you created: Bot name, bot id, App id, App password and tenant id 
connect microsoft teams
  1. Enter the name you gave the bot when you created the app in the bot name field 
  2. In the Bot Id field put the application id that you saved when you created the application
  3. In App id field put again the application’s ID
  4. In App password field put the client secret 
  5. And in Tenant id enter the tenant value you saved earlier
  6. Click Send

On the channel page that you will be sent right after you click Send, you will have the ID of this channel, we will need this value. To get it you can copy the huge ID that you will have at the end of the url of that page. After the read/ copy all this id made up of numbers, letters, and dashes. Save it.

url id microsoft teams

To do this, the next step is to set the Endpoint of the application. Do the following: 

  1. Go back into Azure, go to Home, and select your bot under Recent Resources 
  2. Go to Settings in the left menu
  3. Under Endpoint add the following URL: [channel ID]/receive
  4. Under Channel ID, add the ID generated on the Weni Platform. For example:

Setting up your bot in Microsoft Teams 

Now you are! With all the previous settings completed, it is time to start setting up your bot. At this stage, the channel already needs to be

Now you’re done! With all the previous configurations completed, it is time to start setting up your bot. At this stage, the channel already needs to be created and integrated with the Weni Platform as shown in the previous steps. 

To start setting up your Microsoft Teams bot the step-by-step is:

  1. Inside Teams, in the bottom left corner, select Applications 
  2. In the search bar type in App Studio. Simply select it to install
  3. Click open 
  4. Select Create a new App 
  5. Under App Details, enter all the data you have
  6. Under ID put the App ID
  7. In Package Name, reference your app – For example:
  8. In Version, use something like V1.0.0
  9. In Description, put the purpose for your app, like what it does
  10. In Developer Info enter your company info, name, website, and so on
  11. In Apps URLs enter your company’s privacy terms URL and in terms of use, the terms URL
  12. In Branding you update the profile images you want your bot to have, click update and choose your images.
  13. In step 2 under Capabilities you can set some specifications for your bot, it is not necessary for your bot to work together with our platform, so we will skip this step.
  14. Now in step 3 of the left menu click Domains and Permissions.
  15. In Valid Domains enter the domain of our platform so that your bot can integrate with us ( and click Add.
  16. Under AAD App ID enter your Tenant ID that you saved earlier.
  17. Now the last step, click Test and Distribute in step 3 on the left menu.

You will be able to publish your bot in your organization’s catalog. With this, everyone who participates in your project will be able to add your bot, allowing people to exchange messages with it. 

To do this, click “Publish” app in my organization’s catalog and click Submit.

Important: for your app to be published in your organization’s catalog, it will have to be accepted by your organization’s IT administrator. 

Once accepted your bot will be available for installation in your organization’s catalog for all employees that are part of it.

By following this step by step to the letter you will be able to add a bot to your Microsoft Teams with many automation and customization possibilities. Now all you have to do is put it into practice so that the integration starts to make your company’s routine easier. 

Got any questions? Contact us!

SEO Analyst, passionate about content with a focus on optimization strategies, lead generation, and conversion.

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