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10 tips to optimize your mobile customer service

Por Weni


2 de February de 2016
4 min. de leitura
Lots of people use their cell phones daily to read the news, use social networks and mobile applications. It’s natural that companies want to establish communication through this channel. But do you know how to optimize mobile customer service? We’ll help you with the following 10 tips:

Tip 01 – Keep only the channels that you can manage

This is the basic premise of efficient service. There’s no use in creating channels for a relationship via SMS, phone, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Snapchat or any other digital platform if the dialogue does not exist. Before disclosing a new communication space, make sure you will be able to quickly answer your customer and clarify the doubts that will be received.

Tip 02 – Protect your customer data

The internet records the maximum amount of information about the same person. With a quick Google search, it is possible to discover address, telephone, email of the most careless. Therefore, it is necessary for the relationship manager to preserve the data trafficked in your communication. Prefer single-chat, private messages (inbox), and personalized emails. In addition to being respectful, the attitude became mandatory after the approval of the Civil Internet Framework.

Tip 03 – Respond to the customer through the same source channel

If the customer preferred to forward a message through Facebook Messenger is because he deemed the channel to be the most suitable for him. Attending to the same place is a sign of respect and continuity in the handling of information.
Note: If the message sent is public and offensive to the reputation of the company, the best thing to do is try to respond to the client quickly on the internet and take it as soon as possible to continue the conversation by email or phone. Channels reduce the potential for crisis.

Tip 04 – Carry out personalized service

“Your response has been sent successfully. Please wait for our team to contact you.” In Sac 2.0, this type of message is prohibitive. With the speed of information, today’s customers expect to be served quickly by someone who is effectively trained to solve their problem. If you want to be loyal to your clients, invest in the relationship and technology to follow the case and provide an effective solution in the care.

Tip 05 – Do not ignore reviews

Everyone wants to receive praise, but the improvement of a company is directly related to the errors and criticisms to which it is submitted. Fear the “Reclame Here” or the negative comments is to miss the opportunity to optimize the user experience. So do not make criticism personal. Expand understanding of the problem and seek a real solution with agility.

Tip 06 – Disclose your office hours

As advanced as the relationship and automation platforms are, many services still require the human workforce. If your team is lean, make it clear the hours of operation of your SAC and the procedures for handling a request.

Tip 07 – No spam

Make sure your client has authorized the receipt of messages. The so-called option is listed with an anti-spam policy already adopted by most industry platforms. Besides confirmation, it is important to avoid the temptation to create groups with unknown people. Opt-in to the mailing lists and be careful about shipping intervals.

Tip 08 – Educate your customer

Known as content marketing, the strategy of sending relevant and useful information to customers has already become a must in marketing for many companies. The goal is to position yourself as a friend of the public offering tips, recommendations, and comparisons about the product or service purchased. The activity favors customer loyalty and the reduction of time devoted to SAC.

Tip 09 – Monitor your customer service

Evaluate the time dedicated to the demands, the feeling of the consumers served, more questions asked, difficulties faced. Monitoring is the first step to change. Make comparisons between times and the various variables in search of insights to perfect your business.

Tip 10 – Invest in training and technology

In customer service, the ability to understand human behavior is critical. To meet this variety it is important to invest in technological processes. Optimized, actions can be replicated more successfully among the various collaborators.

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